Author: admin

  • Decrypting jsxbin files into jsx source code.

    Decrypting jsxbin files into jsx source code.

    JavaScript eXtendscript Binary files are created by ExtendScript Toolkit, a tool used to add extensions to Adobe Creative Suite applications. They contain the compiled .JSX file, which is written using ExtendScript, an extended version of JavaScript. JSX files are used for writing plug-ins for software like Photoshop, InDesign, and After Effects. Use the free service…

  • How ioncube license protection works

    How ioncube license protection works

    The ioncube protected PHP files could be bind to a license file with several restrictions. Restrictions may be expiration date, mac address, domain names. License file also may contain properties and keys that can be used from the source code. Developers use license files to share the same protected script to different users. The license…

  • Paid Services

    Fix hard bugs in PHP / .net / js / VBA / etc Decompile / Decode / Decrypt / Deobfuscate PHP files Deobfuscate / Decrypt js files Remove password from doc, xls, ppt, pdf Unlock / Decode / Decrypt VBA code Unpack / Clean .net software Need something else? Ask for it.   There is…