Tag: decode

  • odMbo files

    odMbo files

    !odMbo! files are php templates files that have been encrypted with ioncube. These files use a unique number (which is stored in encoded ic .php files) for decrypting the source code of the template file. If there is no way to get an ic .php protected file from the same script, then we use brute…

  • Decode perl files

    Decode perl files

    Some perl scripts use perl extensions to protect the code. If you need to check the code, you have to reverse the encoded files. After reverse analysis, you see that you have only to replce any “int 3” into “nop” and catch the output of the decoding procedure. The hard part of this job is…

  • Decrypting jsxbin files into jsx source code.

    Decrypting jsxbin files into jsx source code.

    JavaScript eXtendscript Binary files are created by ExtendScript Toolkit, a tool used to add extensions to Adobe Creative Suite applications. They contain the compiled .JSX file, which is written using ExtendScript, an extended version of JavaScript. JSX files are used for writing plug-ins for software like Photoshop, InDesign, and After Effects. Use the free service…